Our Food Pantry Services
Our service is unique because we serve not only those who come to shop at our pantry and the Free Food Market, but we also have established mini-pantries at three area elementary schools. These mini-pantries are free to children who have no food resources on the weekends.

Equal access and equitable treatment
We offer high protein, nutrient-dense free food choices through a shopping-style food pantry on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week 10 am-1 pm. A Free Food Market on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Sign in at 4 pm and the doors open at 4:30 pm- until all the food is gone. We also have three elementary in-school pantry programs for students who need food on the weekends.
School Pantries
3 (Madras Elementary, Buff Elementary, and Metolius Elementary) Each School Identifies at-risk children with no food at home. We provide food for them to take home from school on the weekends. The school distributes the food to the kids once accepted.

Se habla espanol
Ofrecemos opciones de alimentos libres de nutrientes y ricos en proteínas a través de: Una despensa de alimentos al estilo de las compras los miércoles y jueves de cada semana de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. Un mercado de alimentos gratis el segundo y cuarto miércoles de cada mes. Regístrese a las 4 p.m. y abra la puerta a las 4:30 p.m., hasta que se acabe toda la comida. También tenemos tres programas de despensa en la escuela primaria para estudiantes que necesitan comida los fines de semana.

Home Delivery Program
Starting in March 2024.Delivering food to homebound seniors and disabled in Jefferson County, on 3rd Thursday of each month. Delivering within an 11-mile radius of 
Madras including Culver. Call 541-325-1747 for more information.

Friendly environment
We provide a relaxed, friendly environment while our clients shop for food. We are currently leasing space in the United Methodist Church at 49 NE 12th St, Madras, Oregon. We serve clients within Jefferson and Wasco Counties.